(The ARC Model was founded by Jenny Morrow, MS, MFT, and includes significant contributions from Bryce Bauer)

Advanced Relationship Coaching includes Six Facets

Assessment - Using the Hierarchy of Relationship needs we help you to assess your current relationship situation and struggles.

Clarify Desired Outcomes - During this phase we support you to clarify the type of relationship experiences and relationship outcomes you want to create.

Strategize Your Actions -  This stage includes strategizing what actions, new learnings, and skills will be required to create your desired relationship outcomes. 

Learn New Skills - This stage focuses on learning the skills needed to create the relationship outcomes you are working to fulfill including skills for communication, decision making, repair, creative relational work, etc. 

Optimize Your Environment - This aspect focuses on optimizing your inner and outer environment to support the new skills you’re learning, and the actions you need to take to create the desired outcome or change. 

Master Your Psychology - This aspect refers to a mindset development process that is threaded throughout the other five stages.

To Engage All Six Facets of Advanced Relationship Coaching we use the following Approaches:


The Hierarchy of Relationship Needs is a 5-tier model (designed by Bryce Bauer) that identifies the five levels of relationship development. Here we assess which developmental levels are associated with the presenting “problems.” We also identify which levels are currently fulfilled, and which either need repair, or are ready for further development. 


The Advanced Relationship Blueprint is a visual map of the difference between Traditional Relationship and Advanced Relationship. Here you will learn how to identify the different ways that you and your partner approach connection & attachment (with yourselves and each other). 

Traditional Relationships refer to relationships that are limited to level three in the Hierarchy of Relationship Needs. These are called traditional because they encompass the large majority of relationships. 

Our goal is to help you move beyond relationships limited to level three, and to learn how to show up in an “Advanced Relationship” way at all five levels of relationship development. 


The P.O.E.T Process is the how. It is a four-step process for how to move from Traditional Relationship to Advanced Relationship in any given moment. This four-step process was developed after learning a variety of coaching and therapeutic models. What I found is that every coaching and therapeutic model fits into one or more of these four steps.  


We all have a certain capacity to give, receive and hold energy, including love, attention, & connection (all expression of energy). No matter how advanced you become in your relationship abilities, you will always have your limits. 

Learning about Intimacy Capacity will give you ways to assess your limits, and what to do when you get to your edges and begin to feel overwhelmed or triggered.

The Four Access Points are the four doorways through which you can apply Advanced Relationship skills, and the POET process, to grow and increase your Intimacy Capacity.


As an individual you are a complete whole. Think of a yin-yang symbol . You have both sides of all polarities within you...including: emotional & logical, strengths & weakness, what you know & what you don't know, back & front, right & left, etc.  

When you enter into a relationship it is like two yin-yang's now come together to create a larger yin-yang (a new whole) that encompasses and fully includes two “smaller” wholes.

When you find yourself in conflict with another, it’s usually a sign of polarity imbalance. 

Understanding how to harmonize & integrate the polarities will allow you to move through tension and conflict in more productive and useful ways.  


Conscious Communication is a conversational format that teaches you the steps and tools for having more effective & creative conversations in the face of conflict, struggle, and differences. 

There are a variety of communication models we draw from to teach conscious communication, including Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) by Sue Johnson, Circling and Authentic Relating Practices, and more.


After years of studying and training in a variety of therapeutic & coaching models, we utilize tools and techniques from the following models (depending on the clients’ specific situations, goals, and levels of relationship development):

- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Attachment Theory
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Solution Focused Therapy
- Mindfulness Based Psychology (Including meditation and mindfulness practices)
- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
- The work of John Gottman
- The work of Byron Katie
- The Power of Myth & the work of Joseph Campbell
- Jungian Psychology & Depth Psychology
- Steve Hassan's work on Mind Control: Recognizing Mind Control & Manipulation Tactics
- MBTI, Strengths-Finder, Enneagram, & Emotional Needs Assessment
- Energy Psychology (ACEP)
- Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology
- Yoga & Theories of Balance (Yoga Teacher Certified)
- The Awakened Monogamy Theories of Robert Masters
- The work of Elaine Aron (The Highly Sensitive Person)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Authentic Relating and Circling practices
- Mind Management and Visioneering teachings of Dennis Deaton
- Courses & Teachings of over 40 Relationship Experts. (Including:  Sue Johnson, John & Julie Gottman, Stan Tatkin, Terry Real, Jayson Gaddis, and more...)


Coaching & Accountability gives a structure to keep you focused on learning and practicing the skills. It includes a place to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn how to apply everything that's useful to your unique situation. During the coaching process, Jenny and Bryce will teach, model, observe, interrupt, suggest tweaks, and help assess progress. This is all designed to help you advance your relationships with yourself and with each other.